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"Gods of Chinatown", Digital Artist in Residence Lower East Side Tenement Museum
"Gods of Chinatown" is a project of the Tenement Museum's Digital Artists in Residence Program (DARP).
I was awarded the DARP grant to create an interactive site that allows users to explore various Chinese temples along four main streets: Eldridge, Broome, Canal, and Bowery.
Project design, production, and all original content written and photographed by the artist. Launched in 2006. Featured in NYTimes Sunday edition.

Gods of Chinatown

Gods of Chinatown
Art Stuff
I used to created a lot of what used to called "" and this is my favorite project from those early dotcom days. Although I am still working in the digital sphere in my day job, my creative interests have shifted to performance art, something that doesn't require hours of sitting in front of a computer and coding and pushing pixels. Maybe one day I will come back to make another web-based digital art work!

"...Ms. Chang’s own urban quest provided an added eccentric, romantic element. "

Webby Award Nominee 2007
Travel Category

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