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"Gods of Chinatown", Digital Artist in Residence Lower East Side Tenement Museum

"Gods of Chinatown" is a project of the Tenement Museum's Digital Artists in Residence Program (DARP).

I was awarded the DARP grant to create an interactive site that allows users to explore various Chinese temples along four main streets: Eldridge, Broome, Canal, and Bowery.

Project design, production, and all original content written and photographed by the artist. Launched in 2006. Featured in NYTimes Sunday edition.

Art Stuff

I used to created a lot of what used to called "" and this is my favorite project from those early dotcom days. Although I am still working in the digital sphere in my day job, my creative interests have shifted to performance art, something that doesn't require hours of sitting in front of a computer and coding and pushing pixels. Maybe one day I will come back to make another web-based digital art work!

"...Ms. Chang’s own urban quest provided an added eccentric, romantic element. "

Webby Award Nominee 2007 

Travel Category

© 2016 by Isabel Chang

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