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Agency Work

Saatchi Wellness

Freelance from February 2016–March 2016 (ongoing)

Developed and art directed a Pfizer brand web site for women's product (Consumer side); designed iPad apps for HCP side; work on several banner concepts on a major brand for chronic plague psoriasis; developed logo designs for internal think tank groups; created oriignal vector icons

Havas Health4Brands

March 2016–April 2016

Created designs for a well-known pharmaceutical company's oncology microsite (Consumer side). Executed designs and revisions for digital and print projects such as banners, patient print brochures, email newsletters, and more.

Tribal Worldwide

December 2014–March 2015; March 2010; 2007–2009

Designed site concepts for Centrum web site, created and executed banner concepts for Centrum and Thermacare; designed site pages for

Responsible as Lead Art Director on the re-design of; Lead art director on Neutrogena Beauty Bonus micro-site; Lead art director on Anti-Aging product line; Develop concept and art direction for Responsible as Lead Art Director on the re-design of; Lead art director on Neutrogena Beauty Bonus micro-site; Lead art director on Anti-Aging product line; Develop concept and art direction for ad campaigns for Aveeno, Clean & Clear; Create concept & design interface for campaigns for Aveeno, Clean & Clear; Create concept & design interface for widgets.

Greater Than One

December 2014–March 2015; 2010–2013

Created concepts and executed designs for full web sites for the Continuum Health Partners Hospitals (Beth Israel, St. Luke’s, Roosevelt, NY Eye & Ear Infirmary); concepted and developed web site and banner campaigns for several pharmaceutical clients such as Omnaris Allergy, Genentech, Rituxan, TamiFlu; Managed 2-3 junior designers for execution of lower page designs for full sites and banner resizes, and provided creative direction and overlooked Flash creative development for several banner concept executions; Presented designs to clients.

Heartbeat Ideas

Freelance from March 2015 - June 2016 (ongoing)

Worked on both HCP and Consumer sides of full web site design development, banners, emails, convention booth displays, print brochures & guides, Powerpoint presentations. Clients included Bristol-Myers Squibb (Opdivo), Astrazeneza (Bydureon), Janssen (Trinza Sustenna).


January 2011–October 2011

Created concepts and executed designs for food brand complete web sites, banner campaigns, Facebook applications, and sweepstakes for food brands such as’s 100th Birthday Celebration, “Make Something Amazing” Kraft Natural Cheese, Kraft Parmesan Cheese, Guinness’ “Boldest Fan Hall of Fame” Facebook application. 

MRM McCann Erickson

Lead art director on the original Stunning Nikon site featuring Kate Moss and the CoolPix S6. Developed site content, overlooked B-roll material and behind-the-scene interview with Moss during production at Steiner Studios in Brooklyn. Other lead art direction work included Kohl’s Wardrobe Planner, an online tool allowing users to mix-and-match Kohl’s clothing to create ensembles; Black & Decker “Cordless Outdoor Tools” site.

More Past Work

Tenth Wave (Sr. AD & Flash Designer)

Created concepts for vision eyewear banner campaign, designed variations in storyboard format, animated and built in Flash chosen concept; Designed an interactive sales tutorial for a cloud-based business application.


Merkley+Partners (Sr. AD, New York, NY)

Worked on All Detergent online properties such as developing art direction for web site, creating concepts for standard and richmedia banner campaigns.

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Tribal Worldwide (TribalDDB)

I have been freelancing with TribalDDB and TribalWordlwide as early as 2008, on and off til 2015. Some of the work below are older and no longer online so the work is archived. The older work includes beauty brands (Aveeno, Clean & Clear, Restylane USA) where I designed full web sites and sitelets.


The newer work I worked on concepting and art directing banner campaigns for Thermacare & Centrum, and I also designed the microsite for Centrum Silver.

Centrum Silver Sitelet & Banner Campaign

Thermacare Banner Campaign

Beauty Brands


Designed the Healthcare Professional web site for Omnaris Allergy Spray, and Zetonna Allergy Spray (HCP and Consumer); Created design templates for secondary and tertiary pages for junior designers to execute; Managed the design approval process and QA version control; Presented site design and progress to client throughout the duration of the project.

Greater Than One

I started freelancing at GTO as early as 2010. Here are some samples of my favorite work that I did there.

Roosevelt Hospital Website

Responsible for expanding existing creative direction for hospital responsive web site; Researched photography for hospital's brand; Managed junior team to execute secondary and tertiary page designs; Oversaw creative and QA approval process; Created in-depth styleguide for the client.

Life Technologies

Exploratory web site design directions for potential client


Heartbeat Ideas





Work seen here are archived.


© 2016 by Isabel Chang

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